Sunday, October 7, 2012

Biotin is Great for your hair but.....I'M SOOOO THIRSTY **"COUGH, COUGH"**

I already let everyone know that I've been taking 5000 mcg (micrograms) of Biotin daily. I think it is helping with my growth but that will have to be revealed later. I am just having the darndest problem with "INSANE THIRST". I believe it is dehydrating me. I constantly feel like I have something thick in my throat. I have also been experiencing some acne. You can check it in the video. My nails are growing which is good. They are also breaking and snagging my hair which is bad. I plan to aid the extreme thirst and acne by drinking lots of water. I also try to even out my Biotin intake by taking with a B-Complex Vitamin since it is also a B vitamin. I sure hope it works because I don't want to have to stop before I can affirm that the vitamins have been helping with my growth regimen.

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